Versions Compared


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  • Default Operation: Applies the default operation if any Batch Operation is selected. See the Batch Operation below for details. 
  • Do Nothing: Ignores this work item if any Batch Operation is selected. See the section below for details. 
  • Assign To Another Person: Assigns this work item to selected user. An identity picker will show up for you to select a user when you pick this option.
  • At the same time when you click on expand, related jobs window will open. This window defines background job features under the title which are work type, started at, completed at, duration and state.

Related jobs specifications can be more than one so you can use the previous page and the next page options for find, also you can select related jobs specifications in the search field.  

Waiting Items

You can be three different operation on the waiting items.

  • None, to leave the waiting items list without any changing operation.
  • Assign to another person, find the task that you want to delegate another person and click the little downward arrow next to it to open the operation menu. Then  select the “Assign To Another Person” option and find and select the person you want to assign the task to.
  • Terminate instance, logs off  the flow of jobs in the system.Terminate Instance: Ends the workflow that the related work item is tied to and also all of its waiting work items.

Related Jobs

Every work item employs various jobs to accomplish its objectives such as processing itself, saving its xml form data into xml database, indexing its content for full text search etc. All these related jobs are listed under this subsection with paging options and a search feature.

  • Work Type is the name of job type.
  • Started At states when the job started.
  • Completed At states when the job completed. 
  • Duration is the duration of processing the job, which is the difference between Started At and Completed At values.
  • Number is work flow number that the job is related to.
  • State displays the current status of job. Clicking on this button will open up the log window of job where you can see many details and change the job state

Waiting Items

You can use waiting items features for all waiting items or single work item. 
