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As an admin user, go to Administration page by clicking the link on the bottom of left navigation menu and click on the Search Work Item. Search Work Item section consists of two parts which are Search Filter and Work Items.

Search Filter

Search Filter part defines the searching criterions to find intended work items. There are three basic filters and three additional detailed filter groups, those are user filters, date filters and process filters. You can click their downward arrows to expand and see the criterions they provide.


Search by display name of work items. You can search with full name if you know or you can use * character to search for work items with similar names. For example searching with "Approval*" word will bring you work items whose names start with "approval".

User Filters

Criterions to filter work items depending on related user details.


Completed By
The user that has completed a work item. Type a username and search for it or select it from the Recently Used or Organization menus on the pop-up.

Date Filters

Criterions to filter work items depending on their date details.


End Date
End Date of a work item. Pick a time period from datetime picker that involves the end date of work items you are searching.

Process Filters

Criterions to filter work items depending on their process details.


Process state of when the workflow started. Three options are provided, those are "All", "Test" and "Active".

Work Items

Work Items section is responsible for displaying workitem search results and performing operations for batch or per item.


You can expand the inner work item menu by clicking the downward arrow at the left side of rows. In this menu, possible work item operations and jobs related with the work item are displayed.


Operation to be executed on related work item. This section is only visible when the work item is in "Waiting" or "Join" states.


  • Default Operation: Applies the default operation if any Batch Operation is selected. See Batch Operation below for details. 
  • Do Nothing: Ignores this work item if any Batch Operation is selected. See Batch Operation section below for details. 
  • Assign To Another Person: Assigns this work item to selected user. An identity picker will show up for you to select a user when you pick this option.
  • Terminate Instance: Ends the workflow that the related work item is tied to and also all of its waiting work items.


  • Do Nothing: Ignores this work item if any Batch Operation is selected. See Batch Operation section below for details. 
  • Terminate Instance: Ends the workflow that the related work item is tied to and also all of its waiting work items.

Related Jobs

Every work item employs various jobs to accomplish its objectives such as processing itself, saving its xml form data into xml database, indexing its content for full text search etc. All these related jobs are listed under this subsection with paging options and a search feature.


Then click on the provided state option buttons to change a job's state.

Job States

A job state describes a job's current status. See Background Jobs Manager for details.

State options for jobs in "Waiting" state:

AbortedChanges job state to aborted. This job will be cancelled and will not be executed.

State options for jobs in "Aborted" state:

WaitingChanges job state to waiting. This job will be executed.

State options for job in "Error" state:

WaitingChanges job state to waiting. This job will be executed.
AbortedChanges job state to aborted. This job will be cancelled and will not be executed.

Batch Operation

Operation to be performed on all the listed work items. Selected batch operaion affects only the work items in "Waiting" state.
