Versions Compared


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Code Block
$Database.ImportFromXml({                                                                        // Save employee
   Parameters : {
       TargetSchema : 'HR',
       TargetTable : 'Employee'
   XPath : 'Identities/Identity',                                                                // Find rows under Identities/Identity xpath
   ColumnsXPath : 'Employee',                                                                    // Fetch column values from Employee. Final xpath
   Map : function(employeeNode) {

       $Database.Get({                                                                           // Fetch matching records from database
           Parameters : {
               TargetSchema : 'HR',
               TargetTable : 'OrganizationUnitPositionMembers'
           Where : {
             Criteria : [
               { Name : 'Employee', Value : employeeNode.Evaluate('Id') },                       // "Employee must equal to Employee/Id xpath value."
               { Name : 'RegistryNumber', Value : '%2', Comparison : 'Like', Condition : 'Or' }  // Another criteria just for sample. "or RegistryNumber must ends with 2"
       .DeleteAll()                                                                              // Delete existing all rows
       .CreateNew(function() {                                                                   // Create a new row
           this.Employee = employeeNode.Evaluate('Id');                                          // Set Employee column to "Employee/Id" xpath value.
           this.OrganizationUnitPosition = employeeNode.Evaluate('Employee/Position');           // Set OrganizationUnitPosition column to "Employee/Position" xpath value.
       .Save();                                                                                  // Save this table.
