Versions Compared


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Creates a new client as RestClient instance.

RestClient myRest.Create(url: string)

Creates a new client as RestClient instance.

RestClient myRest.Create(url: string, service: string)

Creates a new client as RestClient instance.

RestClient myRest.Create(url: string, service: string, scope: string)

Creates a new client as RestClient instance.

RestClient myRest.Create(url: string, service: string, scope: string, identity: string)


string url
Target url
string service
Name of service to authenticate from
string scope
Scope of rest operation
string identity
Identity to impersonate


Service, scope and identity parameters are optional. If not specified rest client is not authenticated.


Code Block
var client = $Rest.Create('http://targetserver');

var request = client.Request();

request.AddParameter('x', 1);

var response = request.Execute();