Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


{ // Comparison operator. Default value is Equals. Comparison : ( "Equals" | "Different" | "LessThan" | "GreaterThan" | "LessThanOrEqualTo" | "GreaterThanOrEqualTo" | "Like" ) // Condition with next criteria. If not specified And value is used. Condition : ( "And" | "Or" ) // Criteria expression. Expression : string // Array of ignored values. IgnoredValues : any // Value or Expression to compare Value : any // Type of value. If not specified Direct value is used. ValueType : ( "Direct" | "Expression" ) }


Code Block
    TargetSchema : 'Edoksis',
    TargetTable : 'Accounts',
    XPath : 'Accounts/Account',
    Map : function (xml) {
        var pass = xml.Evaluate('Password');
        // if not marked as encrypted (means user has edited the password field) encrypt it
        if (!pass.startsWith('Enc:'))
            this.Password = $Crypto.Encrypt($EncryptionPassword, this.Id, xml.Evaluate('Password'));
        else // otherwise just remove the mark
            this.Password = pass.substr(4);


Code Block
// Assume this is your XML data
// <Root>
//   <Questions>
//     <Question>
//        <Id>145</Id>
//        <Text>What is your favorite product?</Text>
//     </Question>
//     <Question>
//        <Id>146</Id>
//        <Text>Where did you hear about it?</Text>
//     </Question>
//   </Questions>
// </Root>

    Parameters : {
        TargetSchema : 'Poll',
        TargetTable : 'Questions'
    XPath : 'Questions/Question'

// Each "Question" node gets saved into the "Questions" table,
// mapping the inner XML content to the related columns on the table.


Code Block
// Save organization unit positions
    Parameters : {
        TargetSchema : "HR",
        TargetTable : "OrganizationUnitPositions"
    XPath : "//OrganizationUnitPositions/OrganizationUnitPosition",
    Map : function (xml) {
        // Update position by parent node id
        this.Position = xml.Evaluate('../../Id');


Code Block
    Parameters : {
        TargetSchema : 'Poll',
        TargetTable : 'Questions'
    Columns : [
        {Name : 'Id'},
        {Name : 'Content'},
        {Name : 'Number'},
        {Name : 'Type'}
    XPath : 'Questions/Question',
    Map : function (node) {
        this.Column('MyId', node.Evaluate('Id'));
        this.Column('MyContent', node.Evaluate('Content'));
        this.Column('MyNumber', node.Evaluate('Number'));
        this.Column('MyType', node.Evaluate('Type'));


Code Block
$Database.ImportFromXml({                                                                        // Save employee
   Parameters : {
       TargetSchema : 'HR',
       TargetTable : 'Employee'
   XPath : 'Identities/Identity',                                                                // Find rows under Identities/Identity xpath
   ColumnsXPath : 'Employee',                                                                    // Fetch column values from Employee. Final xpath
   Map : function(employeeNode) {
       $Database.Get({                                                                           // Fetch matching records from database
           Parameters : {
               TargetSchema : 'HR',
               TargetTable : 'OrganizationUnitPositionMembers'
           Where : {
             Criteria : [
               { Name : 'Employee', Value : employeeNode.Evaluate('Id') },                       // "Employee must equal to Employee/Id xpath value."
               { Name : 'RegistryNumber', Value : '%2', Comparison : 'Like', Condition : 'Or' }  // Another criteria just for sample. "or RegistryNumber must ends with 2"
       .DeleteAll()                                                                              // Delete existing all rows
       .CreateNew(function() {                                                                   // Create a new row
           this.Employee = employeeNode.Evaluate('Id');                                          // Set Employee column to "Employee/Id" xpath value.
           this.OrganizationUnitPosition = employeeNode.Evaluate('Employee/Position');           // Set OrganizationUnitPosition column to "Employee/Position" xpath value.
       .Save();                                                                                  // Save this table.


Code Block
// Save corporations with the subcorporations
    Parameters : {
        TargetSchema : 'Document',
        TargetTable : 'Corporations'
    XPath : 'Corporations/Corporation',
    SubQueries : [
        {Name : 'SubCorporations'}


Code Block
        <Name>Corporation A</Name>
              <Name>SubCorporation A 1</Name>
              <Name>SubCorporation A 2</Name>
        <Name>Corporation B</Name>
              <Name>SubCorporation B 1</Name>
              <Name>SubCorporation B 2</Name>