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Scopes are used to control permissions in role based security in addition to ACL permissions. ACL lists are used to control who can do certain operations for a single object (like a folder). Scopes are overrides ACL checks for certain operations on all objects. For example you can deny viewing all folders even user has permission.

Some of scopes are explicitly defined for Administrators group members but non-admin users may have some scopes to perform tasks like searching a work item without having administrative rights.

Scopes are defined in rest API service and screen customizations for audiences by editing domain properties.

Emakin defines following scopes to control features;

ScopeDescriptionDefault Value
loginLog in to application or issue authentication tokensEveryone
logoffLogout from applicationEveryone
event_triggerTrigger events through APIEveryone
module_executeExecute module scriptsEveryone
decision_executeExecute decision modelsEveryone
user_profileView and update user profileEveryone
process_readView process and list versionsEveryone
process_writeEdit process and versionsEveryone
process_initiateInitiate new processEveryone
worklist_readList work item list (Inbox, Sent, .. )Everyone
workitem_actionTake action on work itemEveryone
workitem_forwardForward work itemEveryone
workitem_tagAttach tags to work itemEveryone
workitem_historyView history of work itemEveryone
workitem_searchSearch work itemEveryone
activity_readView activity streamsEveryone
activity_writeWrite new activity entriesEveryone
folder_readView folder and dashboardEveryone
folder_writeEdit folder propertiesEveryone
folder_reportView reports in foldersEveryone
folder_rootCreate root foldersAdministrators
document_readView document and profileEveryone
document_writeEdit document and profileEveryone
calendar_readView calendarEveryone
calendar_writeWrite new calendar entriesEveryone
market_readView marketAdministrators
jobs_writeList jobs and update stateAdministrators
domain_writeView and update domain propertiesAdministrators
organization_readView organization databaseEveryone
organization_writeUpdate organization databaseAdministrators
groups_writeView and update user groupsAdministrators
file_readDownload filesEveryone
file_writeUpload filesEveryone
database_readPerform database queryEveryone
networkAllow network access (Web Requests, FTP..)Everyone
notificationsList and read notificationsEveryone
helpAccess helpEveryone
dashboardView dashboards from navigationEveryone
fulltext_searchFull text queryEveryone
channel_readList channelsEveryone
channel_writeEdit channel propertiesEveryone
case_tagEdit tags on a caseEveryone
audit_searchView audit log recordsAdministrators
phoneUse Phone applicationEveryone