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This feature is deprecated. Please use Query Control instead.

Performs relational database queries on domain SQL database.



Section Name

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EMK:_Section NameEMK:
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Validation Group
Name of validation group rules before executing the query. When any rule is failed, an error is shown on the screen and the query is not executed.


Formula specifies the method of evaluation of row values. Formula enumeration can be one of following values;

NoneNo aggregation is applied. All values in rows.
CountCount of row values.
CountDistinctCount of distinct values in rows.
SumSum of row values. Valid for numeric type columns.
SumDistinctSum of distinct values in rows. Valid for numeric type columns.
AvgAverage of row values. Valid for numeric type columns.
AvgDistinctAverage of distinct values in rows. Valid for numeric type columns.
MinMinimum value in rows.
MaxMaximum value in row values.


Specifies the comparison method of criteria value.

EqualsAll rows with same value.
LessThanAll rows that less than criteria value.
LessThanOrEqualToAll rows that less or equals to criteria value.
GreaterThanAll rows that greater than criteria value.
GreaterThanOrEqualToAll rows that greater or equals to criteria value.
DifferentAll rows with different than criteria value.
LikeAll rows that likes to criteria value. Criteria value can be used with * (star character) Like *ABC, ABC*, *ABC*

Column Name

Column names can be specified as directly column name or relation path. Relation paths can be specified as "Relation.Relation.Column" format.


 For example, you can use the following values as column names for above relational database model.

Column NameDescription
NameName of customer
Orders.IdId of order
Orders.Product.NameName of ordered product

Example Query

The following query returns all customer names and counts of orders by product name criteria. Each row also contains the list of related customer orders as child rows.
