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Automation module-typed tasks are used to execute scripts on the process. Script A script may contain vary various operations like updating the database or data model.

In most cases, automation script scripts should take action by assign assigning value to $WorkItem.SelectedAction property after is the work is done. 

In addition to to the common task properties you can also configure the following properties for an automation task;


Automation module type tasks can be set as start a starting point to initiate workflow instances as in an automated way.

You can initiate from module tasks with any of the following scenarios;

You can configure the evaluation schedule to periodically initiate workflow instances and take action periodically. If the module script does not take action, the workflow instance is reverted. So, make sure to take an action at the end of the task.

Scripting Initiate
You may call the WorkItem.Initiate method to initiate from other processes.

Join State

If the module is not set as start a starting point and no action is taken in the script, then the workflow switches to join state to pause workflow instance at automation task and waits for indefinitely.

Workflow instance may continue with any of the following scenarios;

If you assigned assign a deadline on to a task, the workflow instance waits until the deadline date occur and takes deadline action automatically to continue.

You can configure the evaluation schedule to periodically check condition conditions and whether to continue or not.

Process Work Item
You may call the WorkItem.ProcessWorkItem method on other workflow instances to force the module to continue.